Ex-Manchester United starlet Morrison awaits FA fate after admitting charge - Click Manchester

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by Pat McGatt. Published Sun 19 Feb 2012 19:30, Last updated: 2012-02-19

Former Manchester United midfielder Ravel Morrison will be sweating on a ruling from Football Association.

Morrison made a controversial comment on Twitter following which an investigation was mounted by the FA.

The West Ham United youngster has now admitted the charge of making a homophobic remark.

The FA will now decide what punishment should be handed down to the 19-year-old.

Morrison moved to The Hammers on deadline day after United lost patience with his off-field problems.

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20 Feb, 2012

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEtCbNYfKjHixXuYPuGV7HAzi4dKQ&url=http://www.click-manchester.com/sport/manchester-united/1215420-ex-manchester-united-starlet-morrison-awaits-fa-fate-after-admitting-charge.html
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