Ferguson eyes post-managerial role at Man Utd - AFP

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Ferguson eyes post-managerial role at Man Utd

MANCHESTER, England — Alex Ferguson believes that he will stay on at Manchester United even after he steps down as manager, he said in an interview to be broadcast on Monday.

"I will remain active. I think there will be a role for me at United after I finish," he told the BBC in an interview, extracts of which were published on the corporation's web site.

Ferguson, now 70, began his managerial career at Old Trafford in 1986 and has won an array of honours, including 12 Premier League titles, two European cups and five FA cups.

He had been due to retire at the end of the 2001-2002 season but changed his mind.

He said in the interview that he could feasibly continue for two or three more seasons, depending on his health.

One possible role he could fulfil at the current Premier League champions after stepping down is as a club ambassador, he added.

20 Feb, 2012

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFb3O5wo45cpm_1jfAKKiuHrM09rg&url=http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gZ7SV8mfJz3uJ5TtOUBTWARfBIbg?docId=CNG.bb60904e19c205d72e125c424ed1ae4c.271
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