Sir Alex Ferguson wants to stay with Manchester United after retiring as manager -

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Sir Alex Ferguson believes there will be a role for him at Manchester United after he retires as manager in "two or three" years.

Ferguson initally signalled his intention to retire as far back as the 2001/02 season, but eventually decided against it.

And, after reiterating that he will be looking to retire in two to three years' time, Ferguson has expressed his wish to remain at the club in a role similar to that of Sir Bobby Charlton, who works as an ambassador for the Red Devils.

"I will remain active," Ferguson told BBC Radio 5 live. "I think there will be a role for me at United after I finish."

Ferguson has become the most decorated manager in the history of English football in his time at the club, and looks to be up for the challenge of battling against the newly-rich Manchester City, who he once infamously described as "noisy neighbours".

"I think you always want to go out on a winning note. Hopefully we can do that.

"I don't know how long I can last now but if my health stays up I don't think another two or three years would harm me."

Speculation has always surrounded who will take over from Ferguson when he does eventually retire, with the Scot speaking kindly in the past of former Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho, who has intimated his desire to return to the Premier League.

20 Feb, 2012

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